
GreeneTrends is my Etsy shop, I love it! It has allowed me to continue to explore my creative design abilities, and share them! This blog is all about my experiences with the shop, each design, and lessons I learn about running my own online business. Check out my shop at GreeneTrends.Etsy.com Enjoy!

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My return!

Yesterday my father-in-law had surgery. It meant my husband and I sat with his Mom for 14+ hours in the waiting room. Both through the surgery and then waiting for visiting times. He came through great, and is well on his way to recovering. His sister was sitting with us and she has started crocheting. I had brought some with me to pass the time. I haven't been crocheting much recently because it has really started to feel like work instead of something I enjoy. But yesterday I had an idea for a scarf pattern and went to work figuring it out. It was fun, and I remembered why I enjoy crocheting so much. My Aunt told everyone who came how great I am at crocheting, and bragged about my etsy shop. I was very flattered, and appreciated the praise.

I have a lot going on in my life at the moment, but I will continue to crochet!