
GreeneTrends is my Etsy shop, I love it! It has allowed me to continue to explore my creative design abilities, and share them! This blog is all about my experiences with the shop, each design, and lessons I learn about running my own online business. Check out my shop at GreeneTrends.Etsy.com Enjoy!

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Make Over!

The last couple of weeks have gone by so fast! I've spent nearly all my time crocheting headbands and flowers. My idea was to make headbands with adjustable sizes, and flowers that were interchangeable. I have definitely done that! The bands button up, so you can tighten or loosen it as a baby or child grows. And the flowers come on a snap clip so they just clip on the headband where ever you  want to place it.

Originally I only made 4 different flowers, but after 2 weeks and 88 flowers I got very bored. So I made 3 new styles. I haven't crunched the numbers for pricing on the set of 1 band, and 7 flowers yet. But I think they will be a big hit!

To begin with I started the headbands because I was planning on doing a craft show that had no table fees. Thankfully, my hubby and I decided to check it out before showing up to sell. And we learned why it's free...it's in the middle of the ghetto. It was more than a little scary, we didn't even get out of the car, just turned around and drove home. My hubby said there was no way he would be okay with us closing up at the end of the day and having to walk to our car with cash. I agreed!

So I set about giving my Etsy Shop a make over. Going over my listings, especially the writing.  I read a lot of the Etsy Seller Handbook about Pricing, and Writing. 24 of 34 listings have been completely redone, along with my profile. I still have much to do, but I am very excited to be doing it!

There are two big reasons that I have an Etsy shop in the first place. 1. I love to crochet, and I am always making something. So I need to support that cost. 2. Supplementing my income, my husband works very hard and is doing very well in his career. But being a Canadian going home to visit my family is a big expense. Bigger than fits into our monthly budget. So it's my Vacation fund! And Emergency Fund, and our Save to  buy a house fund! 

I am also thinking about locally offering crochet lessons, any thoughts on that?

Check out my shop if you'd like to see my most recent creations! http://www.greenetrends.etsy.com/