
GreeneTrends is my Etsy shop, I love it! It has allowed me to continue to explore my creative design abilities, and share them! This blog is all about my experiences with the shop, each design, and lessons I learn about running my own online business. Check out my shop at GreeneTrends.Etsy.com Enjoy!

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Monday, November 22, 2010

The Beginning...Da Na Na!

So, what got me started crocheting? Well I would say it started long before I learned a single stitch, or how to read a pattern. I really owe it to my Grandma, she was always creating the most amazingly beautiful things. Quilts, afghans, baby sweaters and booties, dolls, cross stitich angels, the list goes on and on. She taught me to knit, cross stitch, sew, bake and whole lot of other things. She even taught me how to properly dust a television!
The most important lesson I learned from her in all of that was: Take my time, and do it right! If I make a mistake and don't realise until hours later, I take it out and try again!
Oh how I hated that idea when I was learning to...well all those things I mentioned.  I remember once when I was about 11, I had decided I was going to knit a baby blanket, or maybe it was a scarf. I had almost more stitches on the needles than I could handle, and I had been faithfully working on it while at home. On a visit I showed her my progress, she said I was improving, and then asked what happened way back here (as she pointed at some significant holes at the beginning where I had missed stitches). I shrugged, saying something really intelligent like "I dunno". She said to me, well that just won't work Lynae, and this is what we do. To the horror of my young girl heart she pulled the needle out and gave a good yank on the thread, and pulled and pulled and pulled. It seemed like I watched forever in agony as she dismantled my blanket/scarf. I was very perturbed, and she knew it. I worked on it a little more, but I never finished that project.
       However, she left me with something valuable. Everytime I'm working on something, and I discover something not quite right, it will drive me to near insanity until I discover the source, and yank it all out to fix it. By no means am I perfect at crocheting, I love it, but I do my fair share of pulling out, and trying again. When I'm done it has to be of a quality that I know she would have approved.
      Now, due to the knit experience I avoided what I thought were complicated things for her to teach me, thats when we moved on to baking and cooking lol. By the time I matured enough to understand what she was trying to teach me she wasn't well enough to help me learn to crochet. But I am very fortunate, and I have a really awesome Aunt who taught me, which I must say was a lot of laughs, and maybe just a few tears. She taught me my first three stitches, and I did a few, mostly blanket shaped projects. Until this last July, when I decided that crochet is the craft for me, and I wanted to know more! That is where things start to get crazy, and fun!

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