
GreeneTrends is my Etsy shop, I love it! It has allowed me to continue to explore my creative design abilities, and share them! This blog is all about my experiences with the shop, each design, and lessons I learn about running my own online business. Check out my shop at GreeneTrends.Etsy.com Enjoy!

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Step 2....BOOM!

After some playing with different stitches I decided I wanted to learn more about crocheting. It had not yet occurred to me that I would ever make anything to sell. So I looked at the pattern on the inside of the yarn label.
Thoughts"What in the???!!! Is that even english?" Then some staring, squinting, and I began to feel my brain reacting to the strain. Then.....BOOM! my brain exploded under the strain. I sat there just looking into space trying to restart. LOL Too bad my brain doesn't have a power button, or emergency switch to get my thought processing going again!
I could not believe how crazy difficult it seemed to be. Nor could I imagine ever, and I mean ever, wanting to try again. So I went on with trying to design on my limited knowledge and understanding (remember 3 kinds of stitches).
But I'm ridiculously stubborn, I kept seeing all these gorgeous photos of items people could supposedly crochet. I thought to myself, it can't be that bad, I just need to do some research and "teach" myself to read crochet language.
I'd like to say it was that easy, but it wasn't. The next several patterns I looked at were still garbbled code to me. But then I found this "I taught myself to crochet" kit at walmart. I thought, that's a good deal, why not? So I bought it. The first 3 patterns I successfully made were from that book. I have refered to it several times for different things, from the "sewing seams" part, to special stitching, and other ideas. Not to say that it was all smooth crocheting from there. It still took me some time to translate the steps of what they were saying into what it actually looks like.
   By the time each project was finished though, I had people telling me that I could sell what I was making. It took me some time to put together the plan, and gain the confidence, but so far so good!

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